
Have ball, will travel

Monday, November 28, 2011


A beautiful crisp day, Lola and I take a stroll at Lakeside Park. We stop and watch all the cormorants that have congragated under the tree.  Quite the sight.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Meet Duffy

  What a beautiful day!  Lola and I headed to Craddock Park (her favorite I think), with the red ball.
There is lots of space to run at this park and usually someone by the playground will come over to admire her and possibly throw her ball.  Today was quiet. I surmise most people were at the grocery store buying supplies for tomorrow's big event.
                                            So it was just the two of us, and of course, the red ball.
  However, on the way back to the car. we saw a woman walking a very calm looking Westie.
Lola wanted to say "hi", so we asked permission.  Duffy is an 11 year old, Westie who was adopted by his owner, when he was eight. There is a special place in my heart for senior dogs, and the people who adopt them.  Both dog and owner, were gracious and kind. They are a matched set.
                                 Lola did try to win Duffy over with her wiggle butt antics, but he I think he was ready to go home with his person, or he may have been playing hard to get. (at least that's what I told Lola).  I think he had a calming influence on her. At least for a minute or two. After all Lola is still Lola.                                  

Monday, November 21, 2011

Lola Makes Good Choices

a photo reenactment
 "Those three jumping, barking ,lunging dogs walking down the sidewalk across the street, are they fussing at us?".

 Gone are the days where Lola would be straining her leash, trying to go over there to see what's what, and gone is my need to redirect her attention. Lola just kept trotting along side of me in a loose lead, and looked up at me three different times, checking in, as those dogs continued to fuss as their owner was dragging them away.
  Good LOOK, Lola, good girl.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Always Curious

Today we went from the Kalita Humphreys Theatre, to the Katy Trail, then back down to Turtle Creek crossed Lemmon, then followed Turtle Creek back, over the bridge and up to our car.
Lola was soooo good.
She followed all instructions, and did a perfect loose lead "With Me" when we crossed the busy intersection. I couldn't have been more proud of her.

Monday, November 14, 2011

I saw Lola's boyfriends

George and Rubin were at Lee Park today. Lola and the Pugs hit it off great when we met a couple of weeks ago, but Whoops, don't tell Lola, I went there without her. George and Rubin were very friendly anyway.

Lola can fly like the wind

Here she comes bounding in mid air !
She loves to run. However when we play ball, she almost always overshoots the ball and has to scramble to find it. She also almost always overshoots the mark (me), on the way back, and I have to either make her stop before she passes me or meander over to where she landed so I can throw again. I usually do both.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Note To Self

When taking Lola out, make sure she doesn't see the red ball I have, or she cannot think to pee or think to follow directions, and doesn't notice the tree she backed into while watching, and wishing for me to throw the ball.  Throw it, throw it, throw it, throw it, throw it , throw it.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween

I thought it was a great day for walking the Katy Trail, Lola did not agree. Were were about 1/4 mile into our walk, when Lola went to an exit gate and waited for me to open it. Open it I did and through it we went. OK so, we walked through a neighborhood which had good new smells, then we walked down Fitzhugh in a "WITH ME" the whole time, to the Turtle Creek park on St. Johns.
Lots more new smells there, and a bonus. Lola found a half of a tortilla. What a great park! Unfortunately I made Lola "DROP/LEAVE, which she promptly did. Good girl, Lola.
Walked back up Armstrong to the Katy Trail where we left the car.
This big cat seemed menacing but we were across the street, and kept moving. The first time today Lola saw people and didn't try to go see them. I don't blame her.

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Saturday, October 29, 2011

Lola goes shopping

Another beautiful day. Lola and I decided to go to one of our favorite places, Whole Earth Provision Company, and look around.
It seemed a good idea to work off any excess energy and take care of "business" before going, so we walked over to the park at Versailles and walked around a bit before coming back to the house.
Jackpot, the yard people were there so Lola got extra attention.
As soon as they stopped fussing over her, she turned away from them and faced my car ready to go (I think she overheard me telling them we were going shopping).
We were hardly in the door at the shop, before Lola had a welcome biscuit, and several sales people coming over to meet her. Seconds later another employee came over and asked if she was able to jump up and land on his back, then got on his hands and knees. So I said we could try. The answer is; no. You will be glad to know that isn't anything I've worked on with her.
Lola said "hi" to everyone while I bought a replacement pair of Keens, then we went over to the dog toys to pick something out for such a good girl. Lots of great Planet Dog, toys to choose from and we had sales help ("I think she really likes this one"), but we had to choose something she wouldn't rip up.
I picked out a ball that she liked but was calm about. Then the worst part, I made her, LEAVE, the ball, and pose for this picture. You can see her angst.
The best part was, she carried the ball in her mouth up to the checkout desk, but, truth be told, was a little hesitant to DROP/ LEAVE so the clerk could scan it.
After leaving the store we went back to the park to try out the new ball. It was a hit, and we now have a replacement in case ( heaven forbid) I loose the much coveted red ball.
All in all a good afternoon for Lola and I

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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Lola makes friends

Yesterday, we went to Lee Park.
Did some power walking, some sniffing, and of course fetch with the red ball was mandatory.
 We met a nice woman with two Pugs. Lola flirted with the boys and showed off her ball. One dog totally fell in love with her.  His owner kept saying, "I' ve never seen him like this". He followed her everywhere. When it came time for them to go, Lola followed them to where cars were parked,  and got there before them, then waited at  their car. The woman was amazed Lola picked it out.
Me too

Lola's Ball

   When Lola and I went to City Pet Supply we got to practice our manners.
There was only one woman in the store shopping, and to Lola's credit, there was no jumping up on her, until the woman asked to pet Lola. Then it was all over. Lola was beside herself with glee. Hopping around like a Mexican jumping bean.
  So we walked around the store, and Lola kept trying to get into my purse and acting all squirrel-ly. It wasn't until she pulled it open that I realized I had forgotten I put her favorite red ball in my purse to see if I could get another similar when we went to the store. I have tried other pet stores to no avail
Lola knew it was in there and was going crazy.
 so we are at the counter, I am showing the ball to the guy to see if he can match it. and he says; "And it makes that squeaky noise?"
 I say; "What?, oh no, no  ..., that's  the dog making the noise, this is her favorite ball"'
Lola was sitting perfectly at my side, making a really high pitch sound, which was coming through her nose.
She cracks me up.
We played fetch after in a small park down the street as her reward.